1. Be on time. Our classes involve technical movements that need your full focus and a proper warm-up. Arriving on time ensures you can hear the coach's brief, learn safe movement techniques, choose appropriate weights, and consider modifications. Aim to arrive 10-15 minutes early for prehab exercises.

  2. Let the coaches coach. While members supporting each other is great, offering technical advice is not. Our expert coaches have extensive knowledge of our unique programming and safety measures. We also have specific proven methodologies we follow for our members success. If another member offers advice, politely decline and speak with your coach instead.

  3. Check your ego at the door. Entering the gym with predetermined weight goals or trying to match others can be unsafe. Safety and proper movement quality are our priorities. Increase weight and intensity only after demonstrating proficiency. Trust your coach's judgment to progress safely.

  4. Support your fellow members. The best workouts happen when everyone supports each other. Encourage fellow members, especially when they need it most. We train individually but work out as a team. Only pack away your gear after everyone has finished the workout.

  5. Follow the program. Our programming is carefully designed to help you lock unlock your full potential and become the healthiest, most vibrant version of yourself. Everyone is expected to follow it. If you have specific training goals (e.g., Olympic weightlifting, Gymnastics), please talk to a coach for guidance.

  6. Help pack all the gear away. Treat our facility like your second home or 3rd space. Pack away and clean all equipment after your workout and assist others if needed. This keeps our space organised and respectful for everyone.

  7. Listen to your body. If you have any injuries, inform your coaches before the session starts. They can tailor a workout or movement to ensure you get a safe session. Don’t risk further injury by trying to keep up with the group.

  8. Understand Open Gym. Open gym times are for skill work, active recovery, mobility sessions, and/or accessory work. These times are not for following outside programming unless approved by a coach.

  9. Enjoy the community. The community aspect is a unique advantage of our gym. Make an effort to meet and get to know your fellow members. This enhances everyone's experience and can lead to lifelong friendships.

Thanks for reading. We’d love you to come and try the gym and meet the people, who, may just end up being your people too.