Urban Fitness

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Learn About Our New and Revamped Core Classes at Urban Fitness.

Our Core Classes


45 minutes

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays - 6:00am, 6:45am and 12:15pm

Our MetCon programming now runs continuously year-round, with a de-load week every 4th week featuring only bodyweight exercises. This approach helps ensure sustainable training and recovery.

The goal is to enhance overall fitness and endurance through high-intensity, varied workouts.


45 minutes

Tuesdays, Thursdays - 6:00am, 6:45am and 12:15pm

Our Strength classes follow a structure of 3 weeks "on" and 1 week "de-load," aligned with MetCon. During the de-load week, we reduce percentages and RPE to allow your central nervous system to recover.

The goal is to build and maintain muscle strength while promoting recovery and preventing overtraining.


60 minutes

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays - 4:30pm and 5:30pm and Fridays - 4:30pm (only)

We’re introducing an exciting new approach to our CrossFit programming. Instead of having set days for lifting or strength, we’re mixing things up with something different every day. You can still see the entire week's programming as usual, allowing you to plan effectively. Each day features unique workouts, culminating in our new 1.5-hour CrossFit Compete classes on Saturdays.

The goal is to provide diverse, comprehensive training that keeps you engaged and challenged.


45 to 60 minutes

Wednesdays - 6:30pm

The Engine class is a pure cardio-focused session using equipment like rowers, ski ergs, Echo bikes, and Concept2 bikes. Workouts vary, sometimes focusing on a single machine, such as a 5k row, or combining multiple machines for an intense cardio session. Occasionally, the class incorporates additional exercises to add variety and challenge.

The goal is to enhance cardiovascular endurance through diverse and dynamic workouts.


60 minutes - Thursdays 4:30pm

Join our expertly guided gymnastics classes, coached by Connor, our in-house gymnastics technician. These sessions are designed to teach you the core principles of pure gymnastics, whether you're aiming for your first pull-up or mastering the handstand walk.

The goal is to develop gymnastics skills, improve body control, and increase overall athleticism.

Our New Classes


45 to 60 minutes - Tuesdays 6:30pm

Functional Bodybuilding combines the muscle-building techniques of traditional bodybuilding with the dynamic, functional movements of CrossFit. The primary goals are to build muscle, enhance strength, and improve movement quality, all while maintaining longevity and preventing burnout.

Workouts are designed to be varied and engaging, incorporating different movements and equipment to keep training interesting and sustainable. This approach emphasises proper form, control, and pacing to avoid injuries and promote long-term fitness.

The goal is to build muscle, enhance strength, and improve movement quality while preventing burnout.


45 minutes

Every 2nd week - Tuesdays 6:30pm

Unlock new skills and elevate your fitness game with our specialised Skills and Drills class! Designed to help you master specific techniques, this class covers everything from gymnastics and rope climbs to double-unders, single-leg squats, and kipping pull-ups. Each session focuses on technique, progressions, and drills, ensuring you perform these movements with confidence and efficiency. By attending this class, you'll enhance your overall fitness, improve your performance in other workouts, and build a solid foundation of skills.

The goal is to master specific techniques, enhance overall fitness, and build a solid foundation of skills.


45 minutes

Every 2nd Week, Once a Month - Tuesdays 6:30pm

Time to further level up your fitness game with POWER. This periodic class is the perfect blend of technical prowess and grace with Olympic lifting, combined with an increased tempo over a 45-minute class. Think Bar-dio with your mates. In these classes, we actively encourage you to work in pairs or small groups to bring the hype and have some fun with your clean and jerks or snatch. We want you to enjoy the send, go heavy, and move well. Lift, sweat, and test your power!

The goal is to improve technical lifting skills, increase tempo, and foster a fun, supportive environment.

OLY 101:

45 to 60 minutes

Every 4th Week, Once a Month - Tuesdays 6:30pm

Covering the fundamentals of Olympic barbell lifting. Each session will focus on breaking down and perfecting the technique and structure of Snatch, Clean, or Jerk. Going heavy is not the priority; accurate execution, timing, and movement are.

The goal is to master the fundamentals of Olympic lifting with a focus on technique and precision.


90 minutes - Saturdays 8:30am

The ultimate Saturday showdown where determination meets performance. This class is designed for those who thrive on competition and have a passion for pushing their limits. We’ve extended the class to 1.5 hours, giving you more time to warm up, receive coaching, and dive into some intense, old-school CrossFit workouts. Whether you’re prepping for your next competition or just love the thrill of a good challenge, CrossFit Compete is your platform to shine. Bring your A-game, and let’s make every Saturday count!

The goal is to provide a competitive platform for athletes to push their limits and prepare for competitions.


60 minutes - Saturdays 7:00am

Starting Saturday, the 10th, we are combining our MetCon classes into a larger session from 7 am to 8 am. The goal is to bring everyone together for extended, challenging workouts in partners or teams. This new format will also allow for a more thorough warm-up, followed by a coffee with your coach and teammates. It’s going to be an epic way to kick off the weekend, build camaraderie, and get fit together.

The goal is to foster teamwork, build camaraderie, and enhance fitness through challenging partner or team workouts.